Our Partnerships
If it's not changing professional practice, then it's not professional learning. We facilitate, we coach, and we co-plan together to ensure our collaborative work is mission-driven. It's not about us. It's about you, your team, and your vision.
We don't do webinars. We do V-Sessions! Virtual Sessions are Virtual Conversations ~ more interactive, learner-driven, experiential, facilitated, and based on the expectation that colleagues engage in meaningful professional learning and collaborative work before and after the session(s). We guide your learning during the session and support you in planning for before/after session continuity, sustained professional collaboration, implementation, and/or evaluating program or course/grade-level outcomes. We'll visit you, too, if you'd like, but let us save you time and money through a more concerted, holistic approach.

The outcomes are always dramatic when we collaborate around a common purpose, toward a common vision, inviting a wide range of voices. From crafting and expanding innovative learning models to large-scale state and national projects, we bring people and potential together.
For example, selected highlights of our work...
School-to-college/career pathway initiatives
Regional professional development consortia
Statewide & multi-state exemplar curriculum design & evaluation projects
Established a 1:1 STEM early-college PBL school
International Baccalaureate implementation
Multi-media online professional learning and classroom video projects
Corporate social responsibility & youth outreach
and more!
How often do you hear, "This, too, shall pass," or "Oh, yeah, we did that 3 years ago," or even, "No, please, not another initiative!" There IS a better way.
In a system, each part is not disconnected, but rather, all integral parts of the whole. Our Systemic Intersection Model (SIM) for organizational or educational planning makes purposeful interconnections between your mission & vision and a research-based lens on effective teaching and learning, and then narrows the range of possibilities to suit emerging needs & priorities. Similar to strategic planning, but not really.
We equip critical, shared understanding needed to intersect initiatives; help colleagues see the connections and themselves in the larger vision; and work with leaders to develop the vision & systemic plan, communicate a common message, and inform interwoven phases throughout the journey.