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Next V-Session

As online learning has become a reality quicker than perhaps many had ever imagined, no matter how sudden the crisis or how unpredictable the change, we are affirming that learning is a constant.


Now we’re bringing educational leaders and teachers together to celebrate the power of learning in students’ lives – online or otherwise. In our upcoming Virtual Session (V-Session!), we’ll discuss:


  • What We Learned: Practical innovations and promising practices that emerged

    • What did we learn from Online Learning? What practical innovations and promising practices emerged?

    • How do we define innovation in online & hybrid learning?

    • How do these examples align with a research-based vision for learning in any environment?

    • What kinds of instructional, behavioral, and/or mindset shifts are teachers, students, and families experiencing?

    • How might we capitalize on these promising practices in the future?

    • Where & how does online learning not fit educational best practice models, and how do we get past the hype?


  • What We’re Still Learning: Systemic implications for hybrid learning through a leadership lens

    • What are we still learning and what should we keep in mind, as we explore strategies and possibilities for next school year?


  • What It Really Means to Learn: Re-envisioning and reconnecting with the purpose of learning, and strategizing about leading learning in unpredictable times

    • What does it really mean to learn, and how do we sustain an emphasis on “learning” in any environment, online, hybrid, or otherwise?


This is not a webinar. It’s a V-Session! A Virtual Conversation. Come prepared to share ideas and strategies, hopes and dreams, and ongoing concerns as we persevere forward and re-envision school in the fall.

Clicking on a Tablet
Woman with Headphones
A Girl Looking at a Physics Model

Join our V-Session!

June 9, 2020

2:00 pm EST / 11:00 am PST

Copyright © 2020 Learning Lens. All Rights Reserved.

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